Past Events


18 November 2021

Chirurgendagen at koningshof Veldhoven, unfortunately cancelled due to Covid19.
We had hoped to see you in de Brabantzaal, Thursday 18th, at prime time 13.30h
Global Surgery: imagi(ni)ng the future.
Key Speakers: dr. Peter Kingham (surgeon at Memorial Sloan Kettering, founder of African Research Group for Oncology) and dr. Taymoor Ashgar (UK based radiologist, training surgical residents in Siera Leone).

Stay tuned for the next opportunity!


12-16 July 2021
Summerschool Utrecht

The Global Surgery & Gynaecology summer school, planned for July 12-16th 2021, provides an overview of the topics Global Surgery and Gynaecology / Obstetrics from a worldwide perspective, with an emphasis on the G4 Alliance topics; Surgical, Obstetric, Trauma and Anaesthesia care. In one week time there will be both theoretical and scientific research sessions as well as experience based stories from experts in the field. The collaboration of speakers and participants from all over the globe, provides the opportunity to connect and learn from different disciplines and perspectives.
After successful previous editions of the Global Surgery summer school and the Reproductive and Maternal Health summer school, the two courses will join their strengths and return in 2021. Because of the pandemic this version will be an online course. Nevertheless this online summer school will provide a unique overview concerning Global Surgery and Obstetrics / Gynaecology, with an emphasis on the G4 topics; Surgical, Obstetric, Trauma and Anaesthesia care. A main theme will be surgical and obstetrical research and the collection of data in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs), in which you’ll be encouraged to share your own input. A new subject this year will be global cancer, which will be discussed from both a surgical oncological as well as a gynaecological perspective. During the week there will be theoretical sessions and workshops as well as experience based stories from experts in the field. The online set-up will offer lectures and workgroups in both larger and smaller groups, providing the opportunity to connect and learn from participants and speakers from all over the globe.
The course is meant for all health care providers with an interest in global health care, i.e. medical students, nurses and doctors in IHTM as well as surgical and gynaecological specialists (in training). There will be a possibility to participate just for a daypart.

This course is a collaboration of the surgical department of the UMC Utrecht, the Netherlands Society for International Surgery (NSIS), the obstetrics department of the Wilhelmina Childrens Hospital (WKZ) and the Safe Motherhood Working party. Any questions or want to prescribe? Go to the website or contact us on

summerschool 2021 info en contestgroepsfoto

11 May 2021
NVCO Global surgical oncology webinar

nvco webinar

Themanummer bulletin NVTG januari 2021: Global Surgery 


“Tropenarts gezocht”

Tropenarts gezocht
Artikel door Roeland Voorhoeve, 7-4-2020.

Tropenartsen springen bij in Brabant, Medisch ContactMedisch Contact, 25-3-2020.

tientallen tropenartsen

NOS, 22-3-2020.


20-24 July 2020
Summer School Global Surgery
unfortunately cancelled, due to COVID19 pandemic

A unique summer school emphasizing the essentials of surgical care with a world wide perspective.
Have a look at the research contest, see poster under!
Where: University medical center Utrecht, the Netherlands.
For whom: surgical residents, clinical officers, residents in international health and tropical medicine, medical doctors and medical students with an interest in global surgery.

summerschool 2020

contest Globalsurgerysummerschool2020



28-29 May 2020
unfortunately cancelled, due to COVID19 pandemic

Annual meeting of the Association of Surgeons in the Netherlands.

Unfortunately, due to the corona outbreak, this meeting has been cancelled. We hope to welcome our inspiring speakers at a different moment. Our topics will remain important: the (dis)balance in Global Surgery, and how the Dutch surgeon can contribute to the training of our new generation. Thanks dr Jaymie Ang Henry (surgeon, founder of the G4 alliance, and producer of the film “The right to heal”) and professor Pankaj Jani (chair of COSECSA and professor in Surgery in Nairobi), for all preparations, we will meet again!



In memory of Wouter Nolet

A greatly respected International Health colleague has passed away on November 23rd 2019. So sad for so many people. Our sincere condolences to his family and friends. Wouter will be missed.



In memory of Jan Rijcken

He passed away on November 21st 2019. Our sincere condolences to his family and friends.
Jan – Velen gaan – Weinigen blijven – Een leven lang – Zoals jij – Je probeert – wat na te laten – Maar bent na enige tijd – toch weer vergeten – De waarlijk groten – leven voort – In de naam van hun – vinding – En de geest van de leerling – Aimabel en groots – Goede vriend – Rust zacht

in memory Jan Rijcken 2019




13 December 2019
Symposium on Innovation for Global Surgery

Where: TU Delft, the Netherlands
We organize a full day with inspiring talks from surgeons and biomedical engineers working on the African continent, presentations of student projects in various settings and enterprises working on surgical equipment to increase access to global surgery. There will be various opportunities to broaden your network in the field of global health. For students there will be the opportunity to look for internships and graduation projects.

TU delft global initiative logo


21-24 November 2019
Annual conference of ARSI

This conference by the Association of Rural Surgeons of India is at Bagalkot Medical College and the nearest airport is Hubli which is about an hour flight from Bangalore. Registration fee is INR 5000 ($75) and this includes all meals. There is a pre-conference cadaveric workshop for INR 500. Important personalities are invited to encourage practising rural surgeons and to motivate new surgeons to go to the peripheral places to offer their services. New useful technologies are being discussed. It is also a platform to discuss the problems of rural surgery.


25-27 October 2019
Annual conference of DTC: Global Surgery – infections and education

dtc conference 2019


14 September 2019
GASOC conference, Leeds.

Dear all,
You are invited to our GASOC Global Medtech conference on 14th September 2019 at 10:00-17:00 at The Carriageworks Theatre, The Electric Press, 3 Millennium Square, Leeds, LS2 3AD.
The Global Anaesthesia, Surgical and Obstetric Collaboration (GASOC) is the UK based trainee-led group made up of surgical, anaesthetic and obstetric junior doctors. We are passionate about learning and sharing medical knowledge and experience to improve surgical outcomes in low and middle-income countries. GASOC was founded following the launch of the Lancet Commission 2015 with the overriding aim of meeting the goals set out in the Commission’s 2030 Global Surgery report. We have support from and collaborate with Professor Chris Lavy, Lord Ian McColl and Sir Nigel Crisp.
For more information and tickets, please visit our website and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions:

GASOC 2019



4-7 September 2019
Viking Rural Surgeons’ conference

Yearly conference in Iceland.


11-15 August 2019

World Congress of Surgery. Krakow, Poland.

The International Society of Surgery (ISS) / Société Internationale de Chirurgie (SIC) is proud to present the 48th World Congress of Surgery (WCS) – formerly International Surgical Week (ISW) – in Poland from 11-15 August 2019.
Engaging and insightful, the World Congress of Surgery 2019 will be unlike any other meeting. Offering scientific excellence in the field of surgery at an affordable price, the event will bring together many of the world’s leading experts. WCS 2019 will also provide a platform for scientific and clinical working groups where they can collaborate to establish the foundations for future diagnostic and surgical challenges, and discuss novel approaches and standards, facilitating progress towards real-time, patient-oriented solutions.



8-12 July 2019
Summer School Global Surgery

Win free participation in our Global Surgery Summer School in July!

By writing the best research in this contest, you win free participation and more. Prijsvraag GSSS 2019

Prijsvraag GSSS 2019

This summerschool will provide a unique overview of the topic Global Surgery, with an emphasis on essential surgical care in a worldwide perspective. A main topic will be surgical research and how to collect data in Low and Middle Income countries (LMICs). During the week there will be both theoretical and practical surgical workshops as well as experience based stories from experts in the field. In the practical workshops you will be trained in external fixation of fractures and bowel anastomosis techniques, among others.
This course is organised by the surgical department of the UMC Utrecht in collaboration with the Netherlands Society for International Surgery NSIS.



25-28 June 2019
World Society of Emergency Surgery. 6th Congress. Nijmegen, the Netherlands.

The WSES is a unique society that brings together both some of the world’s most recognized surgeons in emergency and trauma surgery, as well as surgeons facing the challenges of acute care in developing countries. WSES truly is a worldwide society.
In the 2019 edition of our annual congress we will:
– learn from invited lectures by internationally experts
– share results of latest studies presented by young clinical and basic researchers
– discus new and update existing clinical practice guidelines
Speakers will be -amongst others- Roeland Voorhoeve (NSIS) and Robert Bleichrodt.


16-17 May 2019

In 2019 staan de chirurgendagen in het teken van ECHT Heelkunde. ECHT Heelkunde vóór en over ECHTE chirurgen. Als ECHTE chirurgen staan ons uitdagingen en kansen te wachten vanuit Hoofdlijnenakkoord en maatschappelijke vraagstukken. ECHTE chirurgen nemen hierin de regie, zoals ECHTE chirurgen in complexe patiëntenzorg gewend zijn.
De NSIS zal een symposium verzorgen over ECHTE Global Surgery. Onderwerpen die aan bod komen zijn de stand van zaken van Global Surgery in de wereld, en er zal een interessante spreker over oorlogschirurgie komen spreken.

Flyer chirurgendagen 2019

chirurgendagen 2019 foto's chirurgendagen 2019 meer foto's

20-28 May 2019
72nd World Health Assembly

The World Health Assembly is the decision-making body of WHO. It is attended by delegations from all WHO Member States and focuses on a specific health agenda prepared by the Executive Board. The main functions of the World Health Assembly are to determine the policies of the Organization, appoint the Director-General, supervise financial policies, and review and approve the proposed programme budget. The Health Assembly is held annually in Geneva, Switzerland.

6-10 May 2019
WHO GIEESC meeting in Bangkok

The WHO Global Initiative for Emergency and Essential Surgical Care (GIEESC) is a global forum that convenes multidisciplinary stakeholders. Established in 2005, the GIEESC has grown to include over 2300 members from 140 countries which collaborates to share knowledge, advise policy formation and develop educational resources to reduce the burden of death and disability from conditions that could be treated through surgery. The 8th WHO GIEESC Biennial Meeting is being held in conjunction with the RACS 88th Annual Scientific Congress in Bangkok on Monday 6 May 2019, to discuss progress, constraints, and opportunities related to surgery being an integral component of public health and health services for women.


17 April 2019
Refereeravond The needs of global surgery

refereeravond 17 april 2019 UItnodiging refereeravond 17 april 2019 Global Surgery

On this great occassion Peter Reemst has received a royal distinction, he is now a member of the Order of Oranje Nassau. He deserved this thanks to his work as surgeon, trainer, and surgical and educational work world wide.  We are very proud of him!

6 April 2019
AIGT course: external fixator.

The annual course for MD Global Health and Tropical Medicine (AIGT) in training about trauma care with hands on workshop external fixation. This day will be held at Amsterdam Skill Centre:
To subscribe, send an email to 

foto fix ex sixtijnse hand

4 February 2019

Opening of the Amsterdam Skills Centre, an innovative project by the AMC/VUmc alliance with training possibilities for national and international surgeons/ surgical residents.

20 december 2018

NSIS bestuurslid Peter Reemst wordt freelance global surgeon. Zijn eerste missie betrof een uitzending naar Nigeria met het ICRC.

Peter afscheid 20-12-2018

5 december 2018

COSECSA annual meeting & scientific conference.
Kigali, Rwanda.

1 december 2018

Tropen Carrière Dag. Amsterdam.

10-13 October 2018

Announced through WHO GIEESC and the Société Internationale de Chirurgie Orthopédique et de Traumatologie (International Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, SICOT):
39th SICOT Orthopaedic World Congress
Once again being held in the beautiful city of Montréal. Abstract submission is currently open.
For additional information:

3-5 October 2018

The Nordic Countries have taken on leading roles within the global surgery movement. This will be the third Nordic Global Surgery meeting. By participating in this meeting, you will gain insight into several aspects of the field of global surgery. You will be able to meet and interact with professionals within surgery and anaesthesia from all over the world. We anticipate a progressive meeting where clinical and scientific partnerships of the future will form.

Global Surgery Conference 2018


29 September 2018

AIGT COURSE: Acute abdomen and bowel anastomosis & Wound care and tendon repair.
Course and workshop for residents AIGT (MD Global Health and Tropical Medicine).
Location MC Slotervaart Amsterdam. 9:00 am – 3.30 pm.

28 september 2018

Global Surgery Amsterdam Symposium 

One World, One Standard of Care
Improving Skills in Global Surgery
Friday Sept 28, 1230-1900. Optional: 1900 dinner
Venue lab 111, Amsterdam The Netherlands

Five billion people worldwide lack access to safe, affordable surgical and anaesthesia care when needed.  Global Surgery Amsterdam is a platform that aims to improve global surgical care by research and training projects.
By participating in this symposium, you will gain insight into several aspects of global surgery. We will discuss the potential roles for individuals and organizations to improve surgical care in low resource settings. During this symposium we focus on  training, both on the job (e.g. surgical missions, trainings programs) and off the job ( assisted learning, simulations).

31 may 2018

Van 31 mei tot en met 2 juni 2018 zal in het Okura Hotel in Amsterdam het ScarCon ETRS congres plaatsvinden. Tijdens het congres worden de meest recente ontwikkelingen op het gebied van fibrose belicht in de breedste zin van het woord. The co-hosts zijn de Global Scar Society, Scar Academy, Oscare, VU medisch centrum, Dutch Burns Foundation, Association of Dutch Burn Centres en de French Wound Healing Societies.

NSIS bestuurslid Thom Hendriks zal op vrijdag 1 juni een presentatie geven. Hij wordt voorafgegaan door AIGT i.o. Nathan Beijneveld.


24-25 May 2018

Chirurgendagen, thema Grenzen@Surgery
Mini-symposium by NSIS: Thursday 24 May, Genderzaal, 14-15h. A roadmap to global Surgery.
Mini-symposium appendicitis: Thursday 24 May, Zaal 83, 13-14h. Appendicitis over de grenzen. 
Veldhoven, the Netherlands
flyer chirurgendagen 2018

chirurgendagen 2018 NSIS minisymp flyer
chirurgendagen 2018 programma


21-26 May 2018

71st World Health Assembly
Geneva Switserland.
The World Health Assembly (WHA) is the forum through which the World Health Organization (WHO) is governed by its 194 member states. It is the world’s highest health policy setting body and is composed of health ministers from member states. The members of the World Health Assembly generally meet every year in May in Geneva, the location of WHO Headquarters.

24 May by WHO Global Initiative for Emergency and Essential Surgical Care (GIEESC):
WHA 71 Global Surgery Side Event May 2018
WHA 71 Global Surgery Side Event May 2018


9 May 2018

Global Health & Tropical Medicine course evening in UMCU.

umcu global health night 9may18

5 May 2018

InciSion Global Surgery Symposium
Leuven, Belgium
InciSioN Logo

13 April 2018

Announced through WHO GIEESC and the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (WFSA):
SAFE-T Summit
London, at the Royal Society of Medicine.
For additional information:


12 April 2018

Global Surgery movie night
VUmc Amsterdam, start 18.30h.  Huygenszaal, ZH 4D 111
Global Surgery Movie Night poster 2018

7 April 2018

Programma Fix Ex 7 april 2018 for AIGT (MD Global Health and Tropical Medicine)
Zaal de Waver, VUmc Amsterdam
Rinse Meester en Kees Broertjes, NSIS.
9.00 a.m. coffee and welcome. Presentations, workshop external fixation, Q&A. Drinks 4.30 p.m.

Image may contain: 17 people, people smiling, people standing and indoor
23 March 2018

NRC article     Arts is waardevolle ontwikkelingshulp


22 February 2018

Global Surgery night for medical students, VUmc 19-21hrs. Location G513 VUmc.

2-4 February 2018

Global Surgery Implementation in Africa: international conference.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

25 January 2018

NVTG werkgroepenoverleg
Utrecht, the Netherlands

12 January 2018

Campaign ‘Into the world’, a call for attention for the MD Global Health and Tropical Medicine!

See: De wereld draait door



December 2017

Tropen Carrière Dag en boekpresentatie ‘Into the World’.

Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen (KIT) Amsterdam.

Het doel van deze dag is om te inspireren en informeren over de opleiding tot Arts Internationale Gezondheidszorg en Tropengeneeskunde (AIGT), uitzending naar de tropen en de vele carrièreperspectieven na de tropen.

Tevens zal van 14.00-16.00u de boekpresentatie plaatsvinden van de campagne ‘Into the World’.

into the world boekpresentatie


7 december 2017

GIEESC WHO conference in Maputo, Mozambique.


6 December 2017 

AIGT Liesbreukavond.

Maxima Medisch Centrum locatie Eindhoven. 19.30u inloop met koffie, 20.00u start programma, 21.30u borrel.

Programma: anatomie, liesbreuk bij kinderen, Operation Hernia, online learning tool.

Aanmelden via



25 November 2017

NVvH Najaarsdag.

Amsterdam Theater. Om 11.10u tijdens de koffiepauze een openbare NSIS vergadering in de vide, boven de foyer.

nsis vergadering 24 nov 2017


4 November 2017

AIGT cursus Darmnaden, wondbehandeling en peeshechtingen.

MC Slotervaart (PAL zaal), Amsterdam. 11.00u start, 13.00u verzorgde lunch, 16.00u borrel.

Beperkt aantal plaatsen, aanmelden via

collage workshop darmnaden


9 June 2017

NVTG lustrum congress 

foto NVTG lustrum congres 2017

nvtg lustrum 2017


9th of September 2016

Congress of the ICS Netherlands in De Waag, Amsterdam
A congress organised by the International College of Surgeons, about past, present and future in humanitarian surgery. With amongst others Harry Wegdam, Harald Veen, Roeland Voorhoeve and Peter Plaisier.

Schermafbeelding 2016-05-15 om 07.33.53

19th of May 2016

NSIS session at national surgery congress 2016. Veldhoven, the Netherlands.

Chaired by Roeland Voorhoeve and Ellen Reuling.
Erik Staal: “changing the world, one life at the time.”
Judith van der Kamp: “a cardiology centre in Cameroon, dream or nightmare?”
Marije Gordinou de Gouberville: “update in Global surgery.”


Schermafbeelding 2016-05-15 om 07.22.59

21st – 23rd of May 2016

G4-Alliance meeting, Geneva, Switzerland.

Schermafbeelding 2016-05-15 om 07.28.48