Surgery in Low Resource Settings
Lab111, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Friday evening 14th till Sunday 16th of November 2014
The goal of this meeting was to discuss the surgical need in low and middle-income countries and the role surgical specialists could play to assist local doctors in those countries.
We presented different opportunities such as: support of local training programmes, exchange initiatives, research projects, clinical work and the role of super-specialists doing short-term missions for specific patient groups (club foot, cleft lip, noma, fistulas, contractures, etc.).
We invited specialists (surgeons, orthopaedics, gynecologists, plastic surgeons etc.) with experience (or special interest) in health care in low resource settings. We also invite residents in surgery and residents following our training programme in ‘Tropical Medicine and International Health’ (which partially consists of basic surgical care). International health specialist and policy makers in global health are invited too, The role of surgery in global health will be the main topic.
Medical students with special interest in global health and surgery in low resources setting are also most welcome.
The symposium was organized together with the German Society for Tropical Surgery.
Accreditation has been approved for NVvH (10 points), NOV (10 points), NVPC (12 points), NVOG (7points) and NVTG (14 points).
Organizing committee for the symposium 2014:
- Matthijs Botman (chair)
- Rinse Meester (secretary, coordinator for orthopedic surgery sessions)
- Thom Hendriks (treasurer, sponsoring)
- Steffie Heemelaar (PR, registrations, website, contact )
- Marije Gordinou de Gouberville (PR, coordinator general surgery sessions)
- Ellen Reuling (PR, general surgery session and social program coordinator)
- Sophie Reemst (PR, social program)
- Julian Zapf (DTC representative)
- Josien van der Meer (sponsoring, coordinator for reconstructive surgery sessions)
- Parisa Kamali (sponsoring, reconstructive surgery)
- Yoline Mermans (reconstructive surgery session)
- Pieter Haasnoot (representative for the medical doctors in tropical medicine and international health)